G.K. Chesterton Society

of Springfield, Massachusetts





" A dead thing can go with the stream,

but only a living thing can go against it. "

- Our next meeting is March 8th.

Topic: Fatherlessness in America



The Springfield Chesterton Society meets the second Wednesday of every month. Meetings start between 7 and 7:30 PM, and typically last about three hours.



We meet at a private, Victorian home, located in the historic McKnight neighborhood of Springfield, Massachusetts. The meetings are held in the carriage house in the back.


What should I expect?

Every meeting begins with quotations (by Chesterton, or at least in the spirit of Chesterton) which have been brought by members. No one is required to bring quotations, but we certainly encourage it!
After quotations, we typically watch a video, or a prepared presentation relevant to the interests of the group. Usually the video or presentation is relatively short, lasting no more than an hour.
Afterwards, there is discussion on the subject matter of the video, presentation, Chesterton, politics, religion...you name it. Until about 10 o' clock, discussion is more structured. After 10, conversation is pretty free. 

The carriage house (aka, the Cigar Emporium) is NOT a smoke-free environment.  Feel free to bring your tobacco of choice.  Adult beverages are also welcome.


Ladies' Night

The Springfield Chesterton Society is a men's-only group. Once or twice a year, however, we hold a Ladies' Night, when the gentlemen can bring along their wives, girlfriends, or female friends to the meeting. Ladies' Nights will be announced on this page and on the home page.